Based on the best-selling novel by Deborah Ellis, the film tells the tale of a young Afghanistan girl (‘Parvana’ voiced by Canadian actress Saara Chaudry) living under the Taliban regime. Parvana disguises herself as a boy in order to become “the breadwinner” for the family after her father is wrongly imprisoned by the Taliban.
Upon learning of the story behind The Breadwinner, Hollywood heavyweight, director, producer and actress Angelina Jolie signed on to co-executive produce the film — speaking on it she said:
“Millions of young girls like Parvana are growing up today under oppression or conflict, and helping their families to survive in those conditions… [The Breadwinner] is a reminder of the immense value of their contribution. I am delighted to be working with a talented team of artists who I know will do justice to the richness, creativity and strength of Afghan culture and to little girls like Parvana.” – Angelina Jolie, Executive Producer
The Breadwinner has received an impressive number of nominations and awards including Best Motion Picture – Animated Nomination at the 2018 Golden Globes, Outstanding Performance (Voice) win for Saara Chaudry at the 2018 Actra Awards, Best Animated Female win for Saara Chaudry at the Alliance of Women Film Journalists Awards 2018, Best Animated Feature win at the 2017 Toronto Film Critics Association Awards and nine Canadian Screen Awards 2018 nominations.
Lead actress Saara Chaudry and producer Andrew Rosen (Aircraft Pictures) sat down with us to talk about the acclaim The Breadwinner has received globally and what the film means to them:
“This movie is all about opening up conversation. It’s a family movie that opens your eyes to a whole new world that most people living in North America don’t really know about. To be able to tell a story like this was really special.” – Saara Chaudry, Actress
Don’t forget you can download and watch The Breadwinner and more box office smashes on our Rendez-Vous Canada iTunes page.
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